Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'd go to the opening of a ... motorway?

I'd go to the opening of a motorway.
There. I said it.
I'm a single Mum, money is tight, and in fact, I learnt a long time ago that when kids are concerned, the simple things in life are often the best.
So when a flyer came through our letterbox proclaiming a new motorway was about to be opened, I resisted the urge to put it in the bin.
Instead, I asked the kids if they'd like to go.
Would they?
Would they what!
And so we found ourselves at a celebration marking a new part of the motorway between Ipswich and Brisbane.
And to my surprise, not only was the entry free, but there was a bus to save little (and elderly) legs, from walking too far.
Once there, the fun was on for young and old.
Kiddies could have their faces and bodies painted; oldies could climb the stairs and overlook the motorway for the first and only time; and a great time was had by all.
There was a wonderful atmosphere, with many workers and their families attending the day not to mention local residents. And the kids loved the freebies - shopping bags, caps, yoyos, and even coffee travel mugs (hot chocolate for them!)

Poster child for the cause

Pot your own tomato plant ...

Pussycat child with a balloon sausage dog
Lunch time - gold coin donation for a sausage in bread

Free jumping castle was a little boring since Miss 7 was the only child on it!

The press pack. Once, a million years ago, I would have been part of it!

It's The Climb (sung in my best Miley Cyrus voice)

Too cool for face-painting, Mr 9 opted for a 'tattoo' - Spongebob Squarepants

The reason for the fuss...masses of roads!

The Climb, part two
You have to start at the bottom to reach the top!

C. loved the balloon artists

You make it, how?
Fairy floss and face-paint - a kiddy delight!

Missy turned pussycat
Fairy floss plus Mr 9 = a very excitable boy


So Now What? said...

Awesome! I love your blog btw, such funny writing. You are so right, the simple things are always the best. x

Wanderlust said...

Hey, free food, fun and activities. What more could kids want? And a sexy new road to boot!

Not Quite Nigella said...

Aww they look so cute! And when I was young, I would have given all the candy in my candy collection for a balloon sausage dog. heck I'd even give it now! :D

Unknown said...

Thank you kindly for your lovely words. Isn't the balloon sweet? I wanted one too, but they were just for the little kids.